Dr. Xi Peng (Peter), 彭曦

AI/ML Scientist & Educator at University of Delaware

Email: xipeng at udel dot edu 

Tel: (302) 831-2876  

Office: FinTech 416C, 591 Collaboration Way, Newark, DE 19713 

Short Bio

Welcome! I am an Assistant Professor at University of Delaware. My research focuses on Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Safe Learning System.

I'm interested in how to make AI systems safer and more reliable, particularly for high-stake use in science, medicine, and autonomous systems.

I lead the DeepREAL (Deep Robust & Explainable AI Lab) at UD. My groups publish in top-tier AI/ML venues including NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, AAAI, IJCAI, KDD, and TPAMI. I'm ranked top-1 individual in the CIS Department and the second-best scholar across the entire university according to CSRankings.org.

My research is generously supported by a diverse sources including federal agencies (NSF, DOD, CDC), industry (MSK, Google, Snap), and internal university funds. My work received prestigious awards for young investigators: NSF CAREER Award, DOD DEPSCoR Award, Google Faculty Research Award, General University Research Award, and UD Research Foundation Award. I earned my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Rutgers University in 2018. 

DeepREAL Group (2024)

Research Interests

Trustworthy Machine Learning (algorithm): Develop reliable, explainable, and scalable models, algorithms, and theory foundations. 

  • Robust Optimization: Tackle the out-of-distribution (OoD) challenge that involves dynamic, long-tail, or previously unseen data.
  • --- ICML'24, CIKM'24, ICLR'23, TMAPI'23, CVPR'22, CVPR'21, CVPR'20, NeurIPS'20, NeurIPS'19, CVPR'19, TPAMI'19
  • Rationale Optimization: Safeguard AI predictions with valid rationales for safety and reliability.
  • --- ECCV'24, CVPR'23, NeurIPSW'21 Best Paper, ICLR'21 Spotlight, ICCV'19 Oral, NeurIPS'19, KDD'19 Oral
  • Scalable Learning: Optimize for modern HPC platform to manage the scaling law.
  • --- ICML'24, ICCV'23, CVPR'22, AAAI'21, CVPR'22, CVPR'21, CVPR'20, CVPR'19

Safe AI System (application): Develop safe learning systems for critical domains where safety and reliability cannot be compromised.

  • AI for Science: Extreme-scale seafloor data analytics.
  • AI for Medicine: AI-assisted mpMRI interpretation.
  • Autonomous Vehicle: End-to-end safe learning system.


I am honored with prestigious research awards for young investigators:

  • NSF CAREER Award (2024)
  • DOD DEPSCoR Award (2023)
  • Google Faculty Research Award (2022)
  • General University Research Award (2022)
  • University of Delaware Research Foundation Award (2022) 

My work won a series of paper awards in top-tier AI/ML conferences:

  • Strong Double Blind, ECCV 2024, acceptance rate 4.5%
  • Best Paper Award, NeurIPSW 2021
  • Oral Presentation, CVPR 2021, acceptance rate 4.3%
  • Spotlight Presentation, ICLR 2021, acceptance rate 3.8%
  • Oral Presentation, ICCV 2019, acceptance rate 4.7%
  • Oral Presentation, KDD 2019, acceptance rate 9.2%
  • Oral Presentation, BMVC 2018, acceptance rate 4.6%
  • Best Student Paper Finalist, ECCV 2016, acceptance rate 0.4%
  • Oral Presentation, ICPR 2016, acceptance rate 14.1%
  • Oral Presentation Award, ACCV 2010, acceptance rate 3.5%

News and media about my research work:

  • UD researchers leverage trustworthy AI to improve seafloor data intelligence[Link]
  • DOD announces awards ($600K) under the Defense Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research. [Link]
  • Interdisciplinary UD team received ($1M) NSF grant to map global illicit trade of energy-critical materials. [Link]
  • A vision of the fast-growing Data Science Institute at UD. [Link]


Since joining UD in 2019, I have secured 15 research grants totaling $6.4 million. I am the Sole or Lead PI on 12 of these grants totaling $3.8 million. These grants come from a diverse range of sources including federal agencies, industrial research labs, and UD internal awards.

Federal Grants: 

  • NSF CAREER Award (PI) $572K
  • NSF III CORE Small (PI) $600K, with R. Eigenmann (co-PI)
  • NSF Safe AI (PI) $1.5M, with W. Shi (co-PI) and C. Yang (co-PI)
  • DOD DEPSCoR (PI) $600K, with A. Trembanis (co-PI)
  • CDC Contract (PI)
  • NSF CMMI (Co-PI) $1M, with J. Klinger (PI)
  • NSF HDR (KP) $1.5M, with F. Bianco (PI)

Industrial Grants:

  • MSK Cancer Center (PI) $277K
  • Google Research Faculty Award (PI)
  • Snap Research Award (PI)

Internal Grants: UDRF (PI); GUR (PI); AICoE Seed (PI); DSI Seed (PI); UDRF-SI (Co-PI)


My teaching received an average of 4.35 out of 5 according to UD's internal evaluation and 4.8 out of 5 according to RateMyProfessors.com 

Undergraduate-Level: CISC484: Intro to Machine Learning

  • 2019 Fall; 2021 Spring; 2021 Fall; 2022 Fall; 2022 Spring 

Graduate-Level: CISC684: Intro to Machine Learning

  • 2022 Fall; 2023 Fall; 2024 Spring; 2024 Fall

Advanced Graduate-Level: CISC889: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning and Deep Neural Networks

  • 2020 Spring; 2020 Fall; 2022 Spring


I serve as the Area Chair, Program Committee, and Reviewers on major AI/ML conferences and journals since 2012:

  • Area/Session Chair: BMVC, IISE Annual Conf & Expo, ICIG
  • Program Committee / Reviewer: NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, CVPR, ECCV, ICCV, ACL, AAAI, IJCAI
  • Journal Guest Editor: Remote Sensing, Neurocomputing, CVIU
  • Journal Reviewer: TPAMI, IJCV, TIP, TNNLS, Pattern Recognition

I serve on Proposal and Grant Review Panels since 2020:

  • NSF Review Panel: OAC (2024), III (2024), RI (2023), III (2023), III (2022), CPS (2022), RI (2021), CPS (2020)
  • External Proposal Review: Linz Institute of Technology (2024), University of Sydney (2021), University of Central Florida (2020)
  • Internal Proposal Review: AICoE (2024), UDRF (2023), GUR (2023)


PhD students:

  • Fengchun Qiao, PhD candidate, (2020 Spring-), Previous: Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Mengmeng Ma, PhD candidate, (2020 Fall-), Previous: University of Southern California
  • Tang Li, PhD candidate, (2020 Fall-), Previous: George Washington University 
  • Qitong WangPhD candidate, (2021 Fall-), Previous: Boston University
  • Kien X. NguyenPhD candidate, (2021 Fall-), Previous: Texas Christian University  
  • Jeffrey Peng, PhD candidate, (2024 Spring-)Previous: Columbia University
    • Ali Abbasi, PhD candidate, (2024 Fall-), Previous: Amirkabir University of Technology  
      • Yanlin Chen, PhD candidate, (2024 Fall-), Previous: Southern University of Science and Technology 
        • Mohadeseh Ghafoori, PhD candidate, (2024 Fall-), Previous: Isfahan University of Technology 

          Co-advise PhD student:

          • Nathaniel Merrill, PhD, (Co-advise: 2020-2023), Advisor: Prof. Paul Huang, Department of Mechanical Engineering

          Visiting PhD student:

          • Ricardo Santos, PhD candidate, (2023-2024), Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (Portugal)

          Undergraduate Researchers:

          • VIP Program: Jakeb Miburn, Coleman Walsh, Furdeen Hasan, Jonathan Ma, Michael Lutz
          • Amani A. Kiruga (Junior): Paul D. Amer Meritorious Award; MIT 2023 Summer Research
          • Wenxuan Li (Senior): Dean's list; now JHU
          • Ruoxi Jin (Senior): Dean's list
          • Jonathan Ma (Junior)


          I have published over 60 papers in AI/ML and computer vision:

          • Over 80% of papers are at top conferences such as NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, CVPR, ECCV, ICCV, AAAI, IJCAI, and KDD
          • Over 80% of papers are first-authored by my PhD students

          Selected top-tier AI/ML publication (Click here for a full list)

          [ICML'24] Ensemble Pruning for Out-of-distribution Generalization. [PDF] [Code]

          [ICML'24] Beyond Federation: Topology-aware Federated Learning for Generalization to Unseen Clients. [PDF] [Code]

          [ECCV'24 Strong Double BlindDEAL: Disentangle and Localize Concept-level Explanations for VLM. [PDF] [Code]

          [CIKM'24] Adaptive Cascading Network for Continual Test-Time Adaptation. [PDF] [Code]

          [ICCV'23] Learning from Semantic Alignment between Unpaired Multiviews for Egocentric Video Recognition. [PDF] [Code]

          [CVPR'23] Are Data-driven Explanations Robust against Out-of-Distribution Data?[PDF] [Code]

          [ICLR'23] Topology-aware Robust Optimization for Out-of-Distribution Generalization. [PDF] [Code]

          [TNNLS'23, IF=14.3] Semi-identical Twins Variational AutoEncoder for Few-Shot Learning. [PDF]

          [TPAMI'22, IF=24.3] Out-of-Domain Generalization from a Single Source: An Uncertainty Quantification Approach. [PDF] [Code]

          [TMM'22, IF=8.2] Region-aware Arbitrary-shaped Text Detection with Progressive Fusion. [PDF] [Code]

          [CVPR'22] Are multimodal transformers robust to missing modality? [PDF] [Code]

          [CVPR'22] Symmetry and uncertainty-aware object slam for 6dof object pose estimation. [PDF] [Code]

          [NeurIPS'21W Best Paper AwardDeep learning for spatiotemporal modeling of Urbanization. [PDF] [Video-10m]

          [ICLR'21 Spotlight] A good image generator is what you need for high-resolution video synthesis. [PDF] [Video-10m] [Code]

          [CVPR'21] Uncertainty-guided Model Generalization to Unseen Domains. [PDF] [Video-5m] [Code]

          [CVPR'21 Oral] Learning View-Disentangled Human Pose Representation by Contrastive Cross-View Mutual Information Maximization.  [PDF] [Video-5m] [Code]

          [AAAI'21] Multimodal learning with severely missing modality. [PDF] [Video-60s] [Video-15m] [Code]

          [NSDI'21] Adapting Wireless Mesh Network Configuration from Simulation to Reality via Deep Learning-based Domain Adaptation. [PDF]

          [IJCV'20, IF=11.5] Towards image-to-video translation: A structure-aware approach via multi-stage generative adversarial networks. [PDF]

          [NeurIPS'20] Maximum-entropy adversarial data augmentation for improved generalization and robustness. [PDF] [Code]

          [CVPR'20] Learning to learn single domain generalization. [PDF] [Video-60s] [Code]

          [CVPR'20] Knowledge as priors: Cross-modal knowledge generalization for datasets without superior knowledge. [PDF] [Video-60s]

          [TPAMI'19, IF=24.3] Towards Efficient U-Nets: A Coupled and Quantized Approach. [PDF]

          [NeurIPS'19] Semantic-guided multi-attention localization for zero-shot learning. [PDF]

          [NeurIPS'19] Rethinking kernel methods for node representation learning on graphs. [PDF] [Code]

          [ICCV'19 Oral] AdaTransform: Adaptive Data Transformation. [PDF]

          [CVPR'19] Semantic graph convolutional networks for 3d human pose regression. [PDF]

          [KDD'19 Oral] Scalable Global Alignment Graph Kernel Using Random Features: From Node Embedding to Graph Embedding. [PDF]

          [CVPR'18] Jointly optimize data and network training: Adversarial data augmentation in human pose estimation. [PDF]

          [CVPR'18] A generative adversarial approach for zero-shot learning from noisy texts. [PDF]

          [ECCV'18] Quantized densely connected u-nets for efficient landmark localization. [PDF]

          [ECCV'18] Learning to forecast and refine residual motion for image-to-video generation. [PDF]

          [IJCAI'18] Cr-gan: Learning complete representations for multi-view generation. [PDF]

          [IJCV'18, IF=11.5] Red-net: A recurrent encoder-decoder network for video-based face alignment. [PDF]

          [IJCV'18, IF=11.5] Toward personalized modeling: Incremental and ensemble alignment for sequential faces in the wild. [PDF]

          [ICCV'17] Reconstruction-based disentanglement for pose-invariant face recognition. [PDF]

          [ECCV'16 Best Student Paper Finalist] A recurrent encoder-decoder network for sequential face alignment. [PDF]

          [ICCV'15] PIEFA: Personalized incremental and ensemble face alignment. [PDF]

          [TIP'12] Robust tracking with discriminative ranking lists. [PDF]