VIP (vertically-integrated projects) Program

Dr. Peng is co-directing the VIP program with Dr. Chengmo Yang (ECE) at UD. This program helps undergraduate students to participate long-term and large-scale research projects under the supervision of faculty and graduate students. 

Dr. Peng advising the topic of  Trustworthy AI . Feel free to contact Dr. Peng if you are interested in the listed topics, or you may have a good idea want to share with us!

  • 2024 Fall Team (open for registration soon)
  • 2024 Spring Team (full): Jakeb Miburn, Coleman Walsh, Furdeen Hasan, Jonathan Ma, Michael Lutz

Let's Hackathon!

Our team, led by Dr. Peng (Computer Science) and Dr. Arthur Trembanis (Marine Science), organized the DSI + AICoE Hackathon 2023 hosted by Data Science Institute (DSI) and AI Center of Excellence (AICoE). Our case study is focused on "Out-of-Distribution Analysis on Seabed Acoustic Image Segmentation". Please keep tuned for future hackathons!

    Course Teaching

    CISC484: Intro to Machine Learning (Undergraduate level)

    • 2019 Fall; 2021 Spring; 2021 Fall; 2022 Fall; 2022 Spring 

    CISC684: Intro to Machine Learning (Graduate level)

    • 2022 Fall; 2023 Fall; 2024 Spring; 2024 Fall

    CISC889: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning and Deep Neural Networks (Advanced graduate level)

    • 2020 Spring; 2020 Fall; 2022 Spring